Distributed Mobile Computing

Multi-hop distributed mobile computing environment 

Single-hop cell-based distributed mobile computing environment 

Distributed Mobile Computing

Distributed Mobile Computing (DMC) is the environment that consists of mobile devices that communicate via wireless manner thus limited energy battery capacity is constraint on the device usage and energy management are a critical issue for the overall system. The devices in this environment may be heterogeneous feature (e.g., computing performance, battery capacity) and tasks must be completed by their deadline and tasks may have affinity to different devices.

In multi-hop DMC, each device has its own resource management system (RMS) which takes a responsibility for selecting the most appropriate device to execute a task. The mobile devices form an ad-hoc network with no base station to directly/indirectly communicate each device. 

In single-hop cell-based DMC, there is only one RMS in the whole system and assumed to be fixed location (base station). Every mobile node communicate via RMS in the cell. RMS has all the status information of all the tasks and mobile nodes within communication range. With that information, RMS determine destination node to complete task.